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Job Evaluation

TBP2's brand Inbucon has been involved in job evaluation for over forty years.

The benefits of a job evaluation system are as relavent today as ever.  A JE systems is a powerful weapon that can be used in the fight against inequality of pay.  A JE system provides a fair and transparent system for understanding the complexity of jobs and allow an organisation to understand those jobs in the organisation which, while quite different, are of a similar or equal value.

Benefits of Job Evaluation

The Inbucon Job Evaluation Scheme (ije):

- provides a statutory defence under the Equal Pay Act;

- has been checked for bias on the basis of gender and age, thereby reducing the potential for equal pay cases and/or claims of discrimination under the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006;

- adheres to the Equality Act 2010;

- can be applied to all posts within an organisation;

- follows the Equality & Human Rights Commission best practice guidelines re scheme maintenance and quality control;

With a job evaluation scheme in place a robust and manageable grading system can be introduced using sophisticated modelling to understand the short and long term impact.

The Inbucon Scheme

The Inbucon Scheme ije relies upon the skill of the job analyst and is supported by software. We deliver comprehensive on site ije training to all our customers. ije has six factors with accompanying guidance notes whose terminology can be adapted to suit the needs of an organisation.

Following implementation of the scheme, the majority of our customers then take ownership of and maintain the scheme via a licence. In other cases we act as ongoing consultancy / outsourced support.

Process of Introducing a JE scheme

The general project planning process can be summarised as follows:

- Initial planning meeting (s)

- Establish Job Evaluation Panel

- ije training for stakeholders

- Selection of benchmark jobs

- Evaluation of benchmark jobs (optional)

- Moderation Meeting(s) in partnership with the customer

- Evaluation of non-benchmark jobs

- Moderation Meeting(s) in partnership with the customer

- Agreed initial internal relativities i.e. “Rank Order”

- Grading / Remuneration Strategies (Optional)

This will often be part of a job evaluation projects but can be conducted for an organisation where there is already an evaluation process or hierarchical system in place, or one is being considered.

Our process includes an interactive model that allows scenario planning with short and long term impacts displayed for individuals, grades, gender impact and the company.

Bespoke Job Evaluation

We are also able to deliver bespoke Job Evaluation Schemes developed in partnership with individual customer requirements.

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